Human Rights Policy

Human Rights Policy

Evolve4 Group Ltd and all subsidiaries are committed to upholding international human rights standards, ethical trading processes, and socially responsible business practices. It is our responsibility to ensure that the human rights of workers in our own operations, including agency workers, are both respected and protected.

This policy outlines our commitment to following the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and the Ethical Trade Initiative Base Code. ‘Hilton Foods, our parent company, are full participants of the UN Global Compact (UNGC), and are committed to supporting their 10 Principles.

This policy covers 100% of all Evolve4 Group Ltd operations. The governance of this policy is overseen by the Managing Director with oversight by the People & Culture Department. The responsibility for its implementation sits with the Operations Teams across the business, working in partnership with the Hilton Foods Group Sustainability team that includes a dedicated ethics resource.’

We will take all reasonable steps within all operations involving Evolve4 Group Ltd and its subsidiaries to maintain satisfactory working conditions, pay a fair wage, comply with local labour and health & safety laws, and commit to the following principles;

  • Employment is freely chosen and forced labour is prevented
  • Working conditions are safe and hygienic with access to potable water
  • Child labour is not to be used and children’s rights are respected
  • Wages and other renumeration are paid in accordance with local employment legislation and employment markets, respecting national minimum wage and industry agreements where applicable. This supports the ability for workers to meet their basic living needs
  • Working hours are not excessive and comply with local labour law requirements
  • No discrimination is practised. For example, against race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation, disability or nationality
  • No harassment or abusive behaviour is allowed including harsh or inhumane treatment or physical disciplinary action
  • The fair treatment of migrant workers with regard to travel, and recruitment fees
  • All workers have access to fair grievance procedures and remedies
  • Communicate our Human Rights Policy to personnel.

We will work to monitor and report on our human rights impacts as a business; applying robust human rights due diligence, including conducting risk assessments.

This policy and its associated guidance will be reviewed periodically and amended as necessary.